Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost there!

Today we signed documents on the house that are being sent over to Escrow. Tomorrow morning we will wire over funds for closing costs (which were $3000 less than we were originally quoted!). Then the bank will release funds and we get our keys. That means we could get our keys tomorrow (Friday). That is six days early! Also, we received our appraisal, and depending on which appraisal approach is used, we are moving in with 11% equity in the house from the moment we move in!

When we move in I'll get pictures and maybe a video of the final product up on the blog. Then we start working on the landscaping: Fence, sprinklers, shed, sod. We are very excited! Hoping to have keys tomorrow!


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome! Your moving in has been so entwined with the Hood to Coast in my brain that it's all coming together so fast! So excited for you guys and can't wait to see the final product!

  2. ooooooh this is so exciting! Congratulations you two! Keep the pictures coming with the moving in process too! You have your house!!!! YAY! Praying for a quick, easy move, with no stress. I am so excited for the days ahead filled with kids playing in the front/back yard in the grass, lemonade stands, and many important family moments in this special place -HOME-

    Praise da Lord!
